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ClearStream Air - Important Notice

by Massimiliano Mancini

The publication of our analysis on Second Hand Smoke will be delayed, and we'd like to share with you the reasons for this choice. Our policy has always been open with those who have followed us over the years and with the same spirit we announce that something is probably changing in the scientific comunity.

Clear streams AIR is being evaluated for inclusion among the papers presented at a prestigious medical international conference. Now we have to wait for confirmation.

Clearstream Air was created to provide "new tools" to all people who are fighting against the ban, like Aaron Frazier, president of the Utah Vapers and CASAA who shared with us a lot of interesting thoughts.

Having the privilege to present this study at an international conference means that it will have greater impact, involving the scientific community directly.

These reasons prompted us to comply with the rigid rules of the congress, which impose to not publish anything until the date of the congress itself.

We believe we have made the right choice. All is ready and we just have to wait a few more weeks, in exchange for an even greater worldwide acceptance and recognition, this seems to be a fair price to pay.

The study is done by us for all of you and it is already complete and ready for publication.

The decision to delay the output comes from the desire to give you something more. Cross your fingers. "

ClearStream Clinical

by Massimiliano Mancini

rom the study on living cells to second hand vape, research continues involving human life, center focus of the observation.

With this goal in mind, ClearStream Clinical has been set, and we are glad to announce that observational study are ongoing since several months, with expected results in October 2012

The study is monitoring various parameters, including:

  1. Blood pressure and heart rate
  2. Lung function (spirometry)
  3. Blood oxygenation (O2 saturation)
  4. Cardio-respiratory performance (six minute walk test)
  5. Nicotine addiction
  6. Anxiety and depression
  7. Nicotine absorbed (urinary cotinine)

The study is currently in progress by a public Italian research institution of which for privacy reasons we omit any reference, until the trials will be completed.

The autor of the observational study has not recived and will not recive any founding and offered his professional contribution for free, outside work hours.

We are confident that there is a great expectation for the data to be published and we will update you as they become available.

New scientific cooperation

by Massimiliano Mancini

We are pleased to announce that we have undertaken a cooperation with Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, Cardiologist at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens.
Dr. Farsalinos is well known for his studies on the effects of the electronic cigarette on the heart, through this new cooperation, new clinical study protocols have been designed, that will start very soon .

Following the declaration of Dr. Konstantinos:

"I am pleased to announce the beginning of cooperation with FlavourArt Srl in the field of medical research on electronic cigarettes. The cooperation mainly involves funding of independent clinical research performed by our research group.

Our goal is to provide to the public and to the scientific community more clinical data on the safety of electronic cigarettes. All our efforts will be concentrated on performing research in a way that will address all questions that are currently unanswered concerning the effects of electronic cigarettes on the human organism."


Stay tuned! FA Team

Statement about electronic cigarettes

by Massimiliano Mancini

"Too much speculation has been addressed towards the public about the adverse effects of e-cigarettes in recent times. And it is even more interesting (but also weird at the same time) that most of the speculation come from scientific associations or members of the state that work on the public health sector." Point of view of the Cardiologist Konstantinos Farsalino on ClearStream:  website:

Nasce A.Na.F.E. Associazione Nazionale Fumo Elettronico

by Massimiliano Mancini

Siamo lieti di annunciare, grazie all'interessamento di molti operatori, la nascita dell'associazione di categoria, denominata A.Na.F.E.

Scopi dell’Associazione sono, nel rispetto delle leggi vigenti, i seguenti:

    1. la rappresentanza, la tutela e lo sviluppo di tutte le imprese operanti nel settore del commercio, nello studio, ricerca di tutto ciò che concerne il “fumo elettronico” e del più generale mondo dell’impresa e delle relative forme associate, nonché degli operatori nel settore, nelle loro diverse espressioni; la rappresentanza, la tutela e lo sviluppo si realizzano nei rapporti con le istituzioni pubbliche e private, la pubblica amministrazione, le organizzazioni politiche, economiche e sociali a livello nazionale, europeo, internazionale ed a tutti i livelli territoriali;

Il sito web, in fase di realizzazione, e' raggiungibile all'indirizzo

Tutti gli operatori interessati ad associarsi, possono contattare la segreteria al seguente indirizzo

Right to Choose - Focus on Ecig ban

by Massimiliano Mancini

We are proud to present "Right to Choose," the video that plays an overview on the ban of electronic cigarettes in some U.S. states.

You can view it at:

Research data will be published soon

Live blog - Vapestock 2012

by Massimiliano Mancini

Live Blog - VapeStock 2012


We are pleased to announce that on 8th and 9th of June we will attend VapeStock 2012 Florida to "unveil" a new ambitious project in which our team is focused from months.
Sure to make you a nice surprise, please follow the "Live Blog" that will be present during the event on our home page or follow us on Twitter:



World Vaping day. Thank you so much.

by Massimiliano Mancini

We would like to talk about the deep feeling and emotions we have experienced during the 2 World Vaping Day events (the Utah Vapers one and VapeBash in Chicago) in which we have  participated, but it is literally impossible.

Being able to hear the problems of several communities and talk together about the best strategy to maintain "the right to choice" is something that goes far beyond simple product demonstration.

We have collected a lot of material, and while our scientists are fine tuning the study "Clearstream Air", (which data will be published by the end of June) work proceeds to the video of the event that will try to share a story that -unfortunately- few people know.

Our thanks go in particular to:
The site that has allowed all the vapers of the world to know the dates and locations of events, carrying out an information campaign on the electronic cigarette.

Aaron Frazier:
President of Utah Vapers Association, fighting for the freedom to use the electronic cigarette.

Windy City Club Vapers
Vape Bash organizers, the event in Chicago that has exceeded 500 participants.

Voluntary association of lawyers who defend all "alternative ways" to assume nicotine.

The amazing guys who made possible the live-event streaming as well entertaining vapers every day from around the world.

Linc Williams
Director of the first full length documentary on the electronic cigarette.

All vendors who have demonstrated their support for the cause and of course the several participants.

It's a privilege for us to have attended in these events, thank you.

FA team

Mixing tips print error

by Massimiliano Mancini
We would like to inform our customers that some of the Mixing Tips distributed in recent weeks have some printing mistake.
The distribution was already blocked awaiting proper reprint.
We apologize for the inconvenience, attached the correct version.


ClearStream AIR

by Massimiliano Mancini

ClearSteam Air: our gift for the World Vaping Day.

On the occasion of World Vaping Day, we publicly announce that we are building a new complementary project to Clearstream. While Clearstream study will continue to asess safety in our e-liquid interaction with living cells, Clearstream AIR will focus on the "passive vaping" , so to determine what remains in an enclosed room after several hours of vaping.

The project was created specifically to support the USA and in particularly UTAH Vapers of Aaron Frazier that currently are having problems with the ban of electronic cigarettes in public places.

Currently we are in US to gather all necessary information and will soon publish a video that will explain in detail the story.

FlavourArt is always at vapers's side. Together by the frontline