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FlavourArt S.r.l. has adopted and is continuing to update and refine a series of company procedures and policies in line with the General Regulation of the European Union on data protection (GDPR - EU Regulation 2016/679), in order to guarantee high security standards and full compliance with the rules aimed at allowing the processing of Personal Data in compliance with the law.

This information - aimed at ensuring informed, correct and transparent processing of Personal Data concerning you - illustrates who we are, for what purposes we could use your data, how we manage them, to whom they could be communicated (for example companies associates, consultants, Public Bodies, etc.), where they could be transferred and what are your rights.

What are Personal Data?

Any information relating to a natural person (identified or identifiable), including, for example: name, identification codes and numbers (tax code, car license plate, etc.), data relating to the home, an online identifier , characteristic elements of physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural identity, economic and financial data (credit card number, current account, etc.), data relating to health, data relating to legal proceedings, etc. < / p>

What is the Personal Data processing activity?

With the expression "processing of Personal Data" we want to define a series of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes, concerning the Personal Data of a natural person, including, by way of example : the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, communication (by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available), comparison , interconnection, limitation, cancellation and destruction, etc.

Who will process my data?

Your data will be processed, as data controller, by FlavourArt S.r.l., based in Oleggio (Novara), via delle Industrie, n. 26, Tax Code and VAT number 02068090030 - Tel. +39 0321 960553 - mail - p.e.c. : (hereinafter the "Company") as well as by the subjects who, within the Company, will process your Personal Data as authorized persons in charge of processing.

Why do you need my data?

The Company needs your Personal Data for the pursuit of certain purposes, and in particular:

I . Purposes that are instrumental and connected to the management of the contractual relationship having as its object, mainly, the supply of goods and services; Your data will therefore be processed, among others, for the following purposes:

( i ) supply of the goods and services offered;
( ii ) management, in all respects, of the orders transmitted;
( iii ) removal from storage, packaging and shipment of the agreed goods;
( iv ) fulfillment of accounting and tax obligations;
( v ) updating our records and, in general, managing the account relating to your profile;
( vi ) management of any disputes.
( vii ) any other purpose necessary and related to the service requested by you.

II . Purposes related to promotional and marketing activities ; with your specific consent, possibly expressed, your Personal Data will also be processed for the following purposes:

( i ) market research;
( ii ) economic and statistical analysis;
( iii ) update on training initiatives;
( iv ) sending advertising / informative / promotional material on the services and products offered;
( v ) represent content, such as wish lists and customer reviews, and recommend products and services that may be of interest to you;
( vi ) improve our online store and our service in general;
( vii ) anything else necessary and useful for improving the performance of the commercial activity carried out by the Company.

III . Purposes related or instrumental to the fulfillment of legal obligations or to the pursuit or execution of a public interest and / or a legitimate interest of the data controller pursuant to Regulation 2016/679; for example, your Personal Data could be analyzed and communicated to combat fraud, for anti-money laundering purposes, safeguard the rights of the data controller, etc.

The lawfulness of the processing of Personal Data carried out by the Company is ensured by the presence of a legal basis expressly provided for by law; Your Data will in fact be processed:

• because it is necessary for the contractual obligations referred to in point I (eg supply of goods offered and sold);
• on the basis of your freely expressed consent, as indicated in point II (eg for promotional purposes);
• because it is necessary to fulfill legal obligations and to pursue a legitimate interest, as indicated in point III (e.g. accounting obligations, fraud prevention, anti-money laundering purposes or preventing abuse to the detriment of our website , etc.).

By reason of the foregoing, the provision of Personal Data is mandatory and necessary for the purposes set out in point I. and any partial or total failure to provide the same data will result in the partial or total impossibility of carrying out the obligations contractual.

On the contrary, the provision of Data for the purposes referred to in point II. it does not derive from a contractual or legal obligation and the granting of the relative consent is optional and does not affect in any way the exact execution of the obligations set out in point I.

The extent and adequacy of the data provided will be assessed from time to time, in order to determine the resulting decisions and avoid the processing of Personal Data in excess of the purposes pursued.

How will you use my data?

The Company aims to protect the Personal Data of its customers, basing their treatment on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. We therefore inform you that your personal data will be processed, through the use of tools and procedures suitable for guaranteeing maximum security and confidentiality, through archives and paper supports, with the aid of digital supports, IT and telematic means. / p>

Communications relating to contractual obligations and, possibly, those relating to promotional activities, may take place in traditional ways (eg, paper mail, telephone calls with operator), automated (eg, telephone calls without an operator) and similar (eg: fax, e-mail, sms, mms).

How long will you keep my Personal Data?

We will keep your Personal Data for the period of time necessary to carry out the activities aimed at achieving the purposes set out in points I., II. and III.
Basically, the data controller will keep your Personal Data for a period of time suitable for carrying out the activities indicated above (points I., II. And III) as well as for any period of time established by law.

Will you share my information with other parties?

For the purposes indicated above, your Personal Data may be disclosed to third parties, including:

• hosting company;
• logistics / archiving / shipping / packing / packaging / preparation company;
• IT systems maintenance and management companies (including also companies and professionals responsible for the management of web devices, the management, maintenance and remote assistance of the IT system, as well as software house and producers of software solutions used by the Company for the Processing of Personal Data;
• companies or professional firms providing tax, tax and legal consultancy; • public bodies competent for carrying out the activities required by law;
• partners or agents appointed for the sale and delivery of the products and services offered; • companies belonging to the Company's direct and indirect distribution network; • companies that provide services for credit risk management and fraud control (such as data processing centers, banks, risk centers, credit recovery companies, factoring companies and companies that carry out professional activities); • law enforcement agencies, government bodies, regulatory bodies, courts or other public authorities authorized by law;
• third parties or bodies to whom such disclosure is required to satisfy any applicable law or other statutory requirement; • companies that carry out on behalf of the Company services for the acquisition, processing and processing of the data necessary for the use of the services and for the supply of goods; • companies that provide the Company with services for the management of its information system; • firms and companies in the field of assistance and consultancy relationships;
• companies that carry out checks, audits and certification of the Company's activities also in the interest of their customers and users;
• banking and financial institutions.
• companies that carry out market research aimed at detecting the degree of customer satisfaction;
• business partners in the event of the launch of joint promotions / offers and joint supplies; • service companies involved in the aforementioned activities.

For all the purposes indicated in this information, your data may also be communicated abroad, inside and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided for by current legislation, subject to verification that the Country in question guarantees an "adequate" level of protection, or if the Company has prepared adequate contractual standards to protect your data.

Can the Company carry out processing activities for purposes other than those represented in this information?

No, the Company is precluded from any treatment aimed at pursuing purposes other than those indicated in this information; if there is a need to pursue different purposes, the Company will provide you with appropriate supplementary information before undertaking these activities and, if necessary, will request you to give your consent.

What are my rights and how can I exercise them?

You can exercise the following rights towards the Company at any time:

the right to access your Personal Data : you will be able to obtain from the Company confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed, and, if necessary, obtain access to personal data with an indication of the methods and characteristics of the processing (right of access pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

the right to rectify Personal Data : you can obtain from the Company the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you. To this end, you will need to send an additional declaration to the owner (right of rectification pursuant to Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

the right to the portability of Personal Data : you can ask the Company to send - in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device - of the Personal Data provided and stored at the Company .

the right to limit the Personal Data : you can ask the Company to limit the processing:
to. during the verifications by the Company following the dispute of the accuracy of the Data;
b. if the processing has been carried out illegally but the right to cancel the data has not been exercised;
c. if the Data are no longer necessary for the Company but are necessary for you to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court;
d. pending verification of the prevalence of legitimate interests with respect to those of the interested party in the event of an opposition to the processing pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 1, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. (right to limitation of processing pursuant to Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

the right to object to the processing of Personal Data : you can object at any time, for reasons related to your personal situation, to particular processing activities and, specifically:
to. to the processing necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or connected to the exercise of public authority in which the Company is invested (including profiling);
b. to the processing necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Company or third parties (including profiling).

In this case, the Company must refrain from further processing your Personal Data unless there are compelling legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms or there is a need to proceed with an investigation , to exercise or defend a right in court.

The same right is guaranteed to you if the data are processed for direct marketing activities.
(right to object to processing pursuant to Article 21 of Regulations (EU) 2016/679).

The right to delete Personal Data : you can ask the Company to delete the Data if:
to. the personal data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
b. the consent on which the processing is based is withdrawn and if there is no other legal basis for the processing; c. opposition to the processing has been proposed pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 1, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and there is no legitimate overriding reason to proceed with the processing, or opposition has been proposed to the processing pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 2, of regulation (EU) 2016/679;
d. the personal data have been processed unlawfully (right to cancellation pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

You can request additional information and make your requests by sending, to the email address , a signed request accompanied by a Your valid identity document; once the request has been received, and all appropriate investigations have been made to verify the actual identity of the applicant and the validity of the request, the Company - if the requisites are met - will proceed with the requested operation without delay.

Can I withdraw my consent after giving it?

Of course, you can revoke your consent at any time without this being able, in any way:
• prejudice the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation; • prejudice further processing of the same data based on other legal bases (for example, contractual obligations or legal obligations to which the Company is subject).

Can I appeal to an Authority in case of violations?

In the event that you believe that a treatment carried out by us has caused you prejudice or damage, or if you believe that improper or illegal processing of your personal data carried out by us has occurred, you are guaranteed the right to propose a Complaint to the Supervisory Authority , according to the procedures established by the latter, available at the following address: / rights / how-to-act-to-protect-our-personal-data

I still have questions…

For more information on this information or on any privacy issue relating to the activity carried out by the Company, or if you wish to exercise your rights or withdraw your consent, you can contact the competent offices of the Company directly, by sending an email to the address .

This information fully replaces any previous communication having the same subject.